Reliable Game Development Partner

ZHAR is not only a game development studio. We help startups, established game development businesses, publishers and game lovers to contribute to the future of Art, Design, and Unique Player’s Experience. Explore our world of professional design, development, and staffing services as we collaborate to create extraordinary games worldwide. Let’s redefine gaming together!

Services we provide

ZHAR expertly provides services in game development for iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS, VR/AR, and release games on Xbox, Playstation and Nintendo Switch, with a focus on building long-term business relationships.

Custom Game Development

Start a gaming journey with our comprehensive Game Development services, crafting immersive experiences that captivate audiences worldwide.


Unlock the power of diverse gaming platforms with our expert Porting-as-a-Service, seamlessly adapting and optimizing games for a global audience.

Game Art

Art games and immerse your projects in visually stunning realms with our Game Art Development Services, where creativity meets precision in crafting captivating visual experiences.

2D/3D Animation

Start a gaming journey with our comprehensive Game Development services, crafting immersive experiences that captivate audiences worldwide.

2D/3D Art Production

Our team has successfully completed more than 220 leading and small game distributors’ projects. We create 2D art from scratch and smoothly integrate it into your games and beyond.

Mobile Game Development Services

We are a mobile game development company with vast experience creating, publishing, and supporting mobile games of every caliber – from casual puzzles to AAA simulation experiences.

Platforms and technologies

ZHAR game studio is an early adopter of cutting-edge technologies and readily accepts the challenge of using innovative technologies.


Hire Our Game Developers

Besides providing game development services, Zhar works based on an outstaffing model. We assist our clients in hiring developers or entire teams tailored to their project needs. Our recruitment process is highly appreciated by clients who opt for team expansion, with 90% of the CVs we provide being approved. If you’re in need of skilled professionals in their field to seamlessly join your team, we are always ready to help.

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